
 Purchase planning Dep

 - Provide planning support services , reporting and a statistics required by other departments within the company and other organizations

 Analysis , Design , Improvement and Upgrade of Internal Trade Systems-

- Review , reform and update procedures and internal administrative procedures

Planning to accelerate the purchase process -

Analysis of Markets -

  Economic - Technical analyses-

Estimating and devising a purchase budget-

Suppliers ' assessment group

Identify and assess the competence of service providers and services -

Assess the performance of service providers and services -

Rating the suppliers and upgrade them -

Update Suppliers ' Information -


Contact Information**************

Department Head: M. J. Fallah

Phone: +98-35-31222576


Purchase planning authority: A. Babaei

Phone: +98-35-31222574


Suppliers ' evaluation experts


m.omidi@iasco.irMr. M. Omidi                       Phone: +98-35-31222666         E-mail: 

Mr. M. Yazdani                    Phone: +98-35-31222529   


Factory : 24thKm of Steel Road, Yazd-Kerman belt road, Yazd. P.O.Box:8945151694

Phone : +983537253090-96

Fax : +983537254680

E-Mail :

Tehran Office : NO.51, Mashahir Ave., Ghaem Magham Farhani St., Karimkhan St., Tehran, Iran

Phone : +982188322626-27

Fax : +982188322628

Sales Dep :

Purchasing Dep :


Max Visit :

Today : 1,004

Yesterday : 1,133

Total : 3,325,254